16 January 2025


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Anti-mining protest in Belgium questions Draghi’s plan for more mining in Europe and provokes police intervention

Belgium, 10th September 2024 - Six civil society organizations and numerous citizens gathered this morning for a anti-mining protest in the small Belgian town...

Rovina: Court Overturns Approval of Mining Project for Failure to Consider Climate Impacts

Rovina: Court Overturns Approval of Mining Project - Each month, the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law collects and summarizes developments in climate-related litigation....

Mining Watch Romania calls for the suspension of the Roșia Montană exploitation license

(Română) Rețeaua Mining Watch România cere judecătorilor de la Curtea de Apel Cluj să suspende licența de exploatare a Roșia Montană Gold Corporation.

Rosia Montana World Heritage Site finally freed from the clutches of Canadian investors: Civil Society organizations question usefulness of Investor-state dispute settlement mechanism

This example should serve as inspiration, change is possible. It offers a crucial lesson for investors: local communities are gaining power.

Roșia Montană: People Power has won!

Press statement of the Save Rosia Montana campaign: We will continue our work to revive the community and conserve its heritage On 8 March the ICSID...

Rosia Montana – The price of corruption

Cluj-Napoca/România, 2 February 2024 - Romania’s government released statements regarding the Award in the arbitration case Gabriel Resources vs. Romania; including a minimal amount...

Open Letter: Hundreds of organizations and experts say “CATEGORICALLY NO” to Europe’s policy on the exploitation of raw materials

Just days after a public petition gathered over 60,000 signatures against the EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), more than 130 organizations and over 100 experts and academics from 30 countries sent an open letter to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen demanding the withdrawal of the CRMA.

Euro Sun’s Rovina proposal is stopped: Romanian court annuls environmental permit

(Română) Magistrații au decis anularea avizului de mediu pentru planul urbanistic. Decizia instanței oprește, astfel, întreg proiectul minier.

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